What is the ICBDSR Distinguished Service Award?
The ICBDSR Distinguished Service Award honours an individual who has provided distinguished service to the International Clearinghouse.
Eligibility requirements
The recipient must:
- have been part of a Clearinghouse member program or a related office (e.g., ICBDSR Centre) for at least seven years;
- have served the Clearinghouse in the past in some of the following categories: Officer of the Clearinghouse (Executive Committee), Chair of a Committee, Member of a Committee, Editor of the Annual Report, or equivalent service;
- provide evidence of a productive career in Birth Defect Surveillance, Research, or Prevention; and
- demonstrate leadership in the discipline, as evidenced by leadership in surveillance programs and activities, advisory groups, or training of new specialists in birth defect surveillance and research.
Nominations should consist of:
- A letter of nomination from a member of the ICBDSR identifying how the nominee meets the eligibility criteria.
- A second letter of reference must be provided from another individual who is familiar with the nominee’s career. The letters of nomination and references should be sent electronically to the ICBDSR Headquarter (centre@icbdsr.org).
The Distinguished Service Awards Committee (constituted by the Executive Committee members, ICBD Director, and up to three other members selected on a yearly basis by the Executive Committee) will select the recipient of this award using the criteria listed above.
Nature of the award
The winner will receive a plaque at the Annual Meeting of the Clearinghouse.
Deadline for nominations: June 30
Past Awardees

2021, Mark Canfield

2019, Marcia Feldkamp