48th Annual Meeting

September 18th – 21st, 2022 – Relais Bellaria Hotel & Congress–Bologna, Italy


Deadline: June 15, 2022


We invite you to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentation at the 48th ICBDSR Annual Meeting.

It will be an in-person meeting with the possibility to join the scientific sessions by live stream.

Information on how to register for the virtual meeting (no registration fee required) and how to join the sessions by live stream will be disseminated at a later time.

Information on hotel reservation and registration fee available at: http://www.icbdsr.org/48th-icbdsr-annual-meeting/


The oral sessions at the 48th Annual Meeting will be thematic; thus, abstract topics should fit one of the following thematic areas:

  • Birth defect surveillance and descriptive epidemiology (including surveillance methodology)
  • Risk factors for birth defects
  • Rare disease
  • Covid-19 and reproductive outcomes
  • Impact of the pandemic on birth defects surveillance, prevention, and care

Abstracts for oral presentation will be accepted only for in-person presentation

Abstract topics for the poster session may include, but are not limited to:

  • Birth defects surveillance and descriptive epidemiology (including surveillance methodology)
  • Risk factors for birth defects
  • Rare disease
  • Covid-19 and reproductive outcomes
  • Impact of the pandemic on birth defects surveillance, prevention, and care
  • Molecular genetics / molecular epidemiology / epigenetics and birth defects
  • Prenatal screening, early pregnancy / birth / postnatal outcomes
  • Psychosocial impacts of birth defects, quality of life, education and other related issues

Authors of accepted posters may be present either  in person or virtually and all will be required to send a pre-recorded presentation of the poster, in order to make it available online.

Authors of an accepted poster who will attend in person are encouraged to bring a traditional poster to allow interactions with colleagues present in person.


Abstract format

The abstract header should include the title, author(s), and affiliation(s). Acronyms and abbreviations should be spelled out on first use. The abstract text should be structured using the following sub-headings: Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Discussion.


Abstract submission information

The abstract is to be submitted using the electronic abstract submission form in the ICBDSR website.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 15, 2022.


Abstract review and notification

The Annual Meeting Committee will peer-review the abstracts and will make the final decisions regarding acceptance of abstracts and designated presentation format. You will receive an email of notification regarding acceptance of abstracts by July 15, 2022.