Meeting Dates and Venue

September 18th to 21st in Bologna (Italy), at Hotel Relais Bellaria , Bologna (Italy) – The Scientific Session on Tuesday, “Congenital Heart Defects : From Prenatal Diagnosis to Adulthood” will be held at the Emilia Romagna Region Health Authority Hall. See the preliminary program of the meeting in the attached “AM_2022_Info” file. The meeting will be also available by online streaming.

Annual Meeting_2022_Info

Hotel Reservations and Registration fee

A block of rooms has been reserved at Hotel Relais Bellaria for the participants, until June 10, 2022. See full information about accommodation rate and registration fee in the attached “AM 2022 Info” file.

Reservations can be made by the attached “ICBDSR_2022_reservation_form” to be filled in and sent to


Social Events

Sunday September 18th : ICBDSR Welcome Reception at Hotel Relais Bellaria, offered by ICBDSR. Open to ICBDSR members, abstract presenters, registered participants, invited speakers, and accompanying guests

Monday, September 19th: Social Dinner, offered by the IMER registry. Open to ICBDSR members, abstract presenters, registered participants, invited speakers, and accompanying guests

Wednesday, September 21st , afternoon/evening: Guided City Tour with aperitif or dinner (optional, personal pay). Detailed information will be provided at a later time.